JOIN HANDS SOLUTION is a premier organization specialized as a Recruitment Consultancy in Human Resources. JOIN HANDS SOLUTION is a team of experienced professionals from reputed organizations engaged in providing specialized manpower to various industries. We are committed to quality performance and we assure you of a high level of integrity and speed in the assignments we undertake.

JOIN HANDS SOLUTION strives extensively and exclusively to match the required profile form amongst the best prevailing professionals available in the industry. JOIN HANDS SOLUTION is committed to fulfilling its customer’s requirement in a given time frame and manner far superior to the prevailing standards in the industry at present with a specialized focus on placement of White & Blue collars.

Today, JOIN HANDS SOLUTION is providing overseas recruitment support services for :

  • Multinational Companies
  • Small/Medium sized enterprises
  • Manufacturing companies
  • Hotel / Catering Companies
  • Oil & Gas IndustryTrading organizations and many more…


We help the following people to get prosperous jobs and lucrative career offers for overseas :

  • Professional workforce
  • Semi-professional workers
  • Skilled employees
  • Semi-skilled personnel
  • Un-skilled labour